R for Clinical Trials

Ushering the age of open source in drug discovery

Make your shift to R-based regulatory submissions seamless with our expertise in migration of SAS data sets to R programming language.
See How It Works?
Future is here

Be among the first movers

Pharmaceutical companies are turning to open source technologies like R language to move their development into fast lane so that therapeutics can be brought from clinical trials to market faster. With regulators like FDA accepting R-based submission packages, the onus is on the life sciences companies to embrace the possibility of leveraging open source tools to bring innovations to market faster.

As a pharmaceutical company you cannot influence how your clinical trials turn out in the end. However, with R, you can fastrack the regulatory submission process to enable better healthcare, faster.

SAS to R migration for regulatory submissions
Future of Clinical Trials

With Open Source

Make decisions faster

R packages allow you to analyze your clinical trial data in interactive methods, reducing feedback time by months using Shiny applications. You can also generate dashboards to get a grip on your status in real-time.

Manage data efficiently

Sponsors and CROs are keen on automating SDTM and ADaM datasets faster. R programming language enables this at record time along with facilitating better validation and quality control.

Enable transparent submissions

Open source, on the back of R, has been the focal point of regulatory submissions as it enables complete transparency and reproducibility of results based on the data generated during the clinical research.

Migrate to R with IQA expertise

We have the capability and expertise to help pharma companies in navigating the complexity of SAS to R migration to confidently adopt open-source tools for regulatory submissions.

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